Dues & Music Fees
Ways to pay dues or music fees
(Preferred) Bring a check or cash to rehearsal.
(Preferred) Use Zelle to send money from your bank account to RCS by entering this email address in Zelle: riversideinquiry@gmail.com.
Note: Zelle is a form of online payment made through a bank's website or mobile phone app. Learn about Zelle here: https://www.zellepay.com
Pay using Paypal on this page (see below) *RCS will incur small fee
Make a credit card purchase at rehearsal *RCS will incur small fee
Note: If you pay using a check, cash, or Zelle, then RCS will incur no extra costs!
Dues cover only a small portion of our operating budget. Please consider adding a donation by doubling your dues or rounding up.
Reminder: It’s better to pay dues by Zelle, cash or check than to use the Paypal button below.
Members Under 30
Member Dues
Music Fees
Music fees also cover related costs like orchestral parts and royalties. Everyone must use these editions and have all pieces at each rehearsal. The fee you pay depends on how many scores you already own.
Music needed for Spring ‘24 Season:
Schubert Mass No. 6 in E-flat Major Kalmus K06421 (RCS performed in 2017 and 1994)
Brahms Nanie Op. 82 Kalmus K06111 (RCS performed in 1992 and 1999)
Beethoven Choral Fantasy Op. 80 Kalmus K06064 (RCS performed in 1994, 1999, and summer 2002)
Reminder: It’s better to pay for your music by Zelle, cash or check than to use the Paypal button below.